June 2021 Update
As we emerge from an unprecedented time we want to thank those who risked their lives to help save countless others. You are forever heroes.
As lockdown restrictions are lifted, we are happy to announce our return. All safety protocols will be followed to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment. As required, our CREWMEN will wear masks at all times and keep a reasonable distance when serving. We are also making sure our staff has had at least their first COVID vaccine two weeks prior to any event and ideally their second before attending any event. While we prepare to open our booking system please send in your quote requests for the month of July and as always, we're looking forward to serving you!
We are on Insta!
Follow our men with @CREWMENandCo as they bring together our two most basic needs sex(uality) and food/drink. Finally make sure to see photos from our previous events and when ready book your own CREWMEN and lets have some fun.

The only one of its kind in Canada, CREWMEN & Co. offers charming, handsome, professional men to serve, wait and bartender. We are friendly, courteous and professional.
Our Classy men are an excellent choice for your black tie corporate events, opening galas and fundraisers.
It's true, our Sassy handsome men look great wearing nothing but bow ties, form fitting briefs and aprons. When you enlist our Sassy CREWMEN you get a helping hand who just happens to be tastefully underdressed.
Our Sassy men are perfect for any event where a little spice is nice.
Our three step hiring process ensures you receive the very best. When you enlist our help we'll offer coat service, greet guests, clean common areas, offer hors d'oeuvres/cocktails and take care of the small details so you don't have to. With CREWMEN & Co. you receive a service like no other. Request a quote, you'll be happy you did.